How Movies Show The Brokenness Of Humanity

Movies show the brokenness of humanity as well! The finite of the minds and imaginations of man is so limited and full of error. Even the lost will admit that there is something wrong with them in some cases. It just takes the gospel to be given to them. I notice this in this Netflix movie I’m watching titled “Leave The World Behind”. Julia Roberts character admits it to the young lady in the film named Ruth how messed up she is and how she hates to be the way she is. She wants to stay away from humans, but when the world seems void of human life, she admits that she wishes that more humans were around! This here also shows how we need community! Genesis 2:18 says “for it is not good for man to be alone.” In the context of this scripture, God was talking about Adam. He then made Eve. In the context of the movie, even though she hated other human beings, she realized her lack of community amongst other people. God doesn’t want us to not have relationships. This is why in the context of Hebrews 10:25, the writer talks about us (believers) being among the brethren & not forsaking one another. Just some observations I notice from this movie, and many others. I can’t not watch movies no more without Christian lenses 🤪🙏🏾

God Bless You All🙏🏾

Encouragement For The Body Of Christ

God is about decency and order. We as Christians have to stop assuming that just because pastors and preachers are not flowing like our pastor or preaching like our pastors that that preacher is not “allowing the Spirit to flow.” The Holy Spirit moves and works through us differently! If we are saved, we have the Holy Spirit living within us! The Holy Spirit is flowing the way He wants to through the believer speaking!

This is why we must study up on church history, denominations, and the cultures of these places of these denominations so we can make accurate statements and stop assuming!

The body of Christ is beautiful! I’ve seen my church where it’s free to worship, you might dance around, lift your hands and worship, and get a profound biblical message. I’ve been to churches where they sing hymns, sing together, sit still etc.. but when the word goes forth, the conviction of the Holy Spirit hits me and brings me to repentance right then and there!

My whole point is that, God will work through His people whichever way He wants! So we can’t judge that “this church doesn’t have the Spirit because they’re not moving like us.”

God is good, and His bride is beautiful!!
Get it together body of Christ 🙏🏾

God’s Greatness

The fact that You saw my past, present, and future sins, and said that I was justified because of Your finished work still at times can be hard to grasp. But my faith is in that Lord! I am forever grateful to You! Thank You Jesus for saving me🙌🏾

Romans 3:21-27-

21. But now the righteousness of God apart from the law is revealed, being witnessed by the Law and the Prophets,

22. even the righteousness of God, through faith in Jesus Christ, to all and on all who believe. For there is no difference;

23. for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,

25. being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus,

26. whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness, because in His forbearance God had passed over the sins that were previously committed,

27. to demonstrate at the present time His righteousness, that He might be just and the justifier of the one who has faith in Jesus.

Willie Will- Justified

Jason Nelson- Forever

How To Overcome Narcissism

By: Oronde Bolden

A devotional I made that talks about the cure for narcissism. May it bless you in Jesus name.

I love what Paul says right here in Philippians 2:3-4

3. “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.

4.Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

The reason I love what he says so much here is because this is truly an inspiration of Jesus Christ and not of man himself. Christ being God in the flesh looked out for everyone, but Himself. Perfect example, dying on the cross for the sins of the world.

Jesus taught us to deny ourselves and pick up our crosses and follow Him (Matthew 16:24). What does that mean? Put down your desires and what you want and pick up what I desire for you. So Paul in Philippians is just reiterating what the Lord has said.

Naturally, men/women are narcissistic. Sometimes it stems from upbringing, not having much and finally having alot, seeking attention etc.. but God wants to conform us into His image to look like Him.

So when we do come to Him, He gives us His Spirit and a new heart that can only give that type of love to put others before ourselves. In a world that’s saying “give me”, full of selfishness, making everything about me etc..

We need the character of Jesus Christ to put others before ourselves. If we don’t have, may resources help us to guide others to their needs.

This is what I love about these scriptures. Jesus is the perfect example of selflessness 🙏🏾

Written by the Holy Spirit through God the Father’s servant Oronde🙏🏾

The Beautiful Gospel Of Jesus Christ Study/Devotion

By: Oronde Bolden

Introduction: A beautiful bible study that the Lord inspired me to create. There are many times where many of us have an emotional encounter with the Lord, but not a full heart change and knowing exactly what Jesus Christ truly saved us from. The gospel seems to be missing in many sermons today when this is the time where it should be preached the most. I’m praying that this study opens up your understanding more and that you truly become born again (John 3:3) in Jesus name.

If you think you’re not in need of the Savior (Jesus Christ), just look at the Ten Commandments! I challenge you to test yourself honestly looking in the mirror (moral law) it’ll blow your mind😁

Scripture Below👇🏾

Romans 7:7
Romans 3:19-23
Galatians 3:24-26

After studying those scriptures, meditate on these scriptures here as well👇🏾

John 6:28-29
Ephesians 2:8-9
Titus 3:5-7

We don’t have to work for our salvation! Our good works stem from the Holy Spirit living within us. We must be able to humble ourselves and recognize our sinful condition before Christ. God resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble (James 4:6).

If we’re not humble, we’re prideful! The reason I bring up checking out the mirror (ten commandments), because it exposes the wicked heart. We all think we’re good people according to human standards and comparing to other humans (Proverbs 20:6). But God’s standard is perfection!

With God’s standard being perfect, there’s no way we’d make it (Romans 3:23)! And this is why Jesus came to take our place! He was the living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God to die in our place! Because of His death burial and resurrection, we can now live.

Sin separated us from God and had/has us in a hole that we can’t/couldn’t get out of! Jesus took our debts (sins) and paid them off to be debt free! All we have to do is receive the free gift of salvation! There’s an eternity after this and I want to see you there! God bless everyone🙏🏾

Only The Lord

By: Oronde Bolden

It was only the Lord who knew me before He formed me in my mother’s womb. It was only the Lord who could form my eyes, nose, mouth and create the DNA that I have. It was only the Lord who could have chose family members, neighbors etc.. to teach me about Him even when I didn’t listen at a young age. It was only the Lord that kept me from getting jumped and hurt badly from running my mouth so much in middle school. It was only the Lord who gave me grace when I was told to empty my pockets because I was looked at as I was lying. It was only the Lord who helped me sincerely pray when my brother died at 13 not truly knowing exactly who He was. It was only the Lord that put the desire in me at 16 to want to get to know Him more. It was only the Lord that kept me from getting a gun, cutting myself, getting my belt to hang myself when I was suicidal. It was only the Lord that kept sending messenger after messenger to tell me about who He is. It was only the Lord that baptized me with His Holy Spirit. It was only the Lord who taught me how to be a man. It was only the Lord who could help me fight off my sexual lust. It was only the Lord who could help me to love the ones that hurt me. It was only the Lord that showed me how to forgive. It was only the Lord who taught me what a leader is. It was only the Lord that helped me type this blog and share part of my story! It was only the Lord 🙏🏾

Galatians 2:20- I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.

Reflection Of Life

By: Oronde Bolden

No matter what happens in life, I wake up this morning and look back at how far along the Lord has brought me.

Since I was 16, knew that the Lord had purposed for me. I didn’t understand fully what it was, how to come to Him and I enjoyed my sin. I knew that if I came to Him though that I couldn’t do what I wanted to anymore and I wasn’t ready to do that just yet.

I wished God wasn’t real back in 2014, because I was reading the Bible without understanding. I seen the way to live and I knew I couldn’t do it myself because of my sinful desires.

Partially influenced by the Hebrew Israelite movement back in late 2014 and early 2015. I believed black people were the original Israelites from the Bible. I just couldn’t hate white people like certain camps did.

2015 God showing me what has kept my grandparents together all these years (47 years at the time). He showed me that it was ONLY Jesus.

For the whole 2015, the Lord’s convicting me greater than ever! He would convict me when I cussed, fornicated, had bad motives, taking sleeping pills and night quill etc..

In 2015, the Lord sent someone at my job to minister to me and speak a word of knowledge over me that only the Lord knew. The guy knew I was seeing shadows and everything. At night after work, I would see dark shadows while playing the game. At this point in my life I’m suicidal, already thinking like “hey shadows if you’re going to kill me just kill me then.” I use to be so ready to die. But God🙌🏾

In 2016 February 28th, the Lord saved me! I see now that my life was not my own and that He has chosen me since the beginning of the foundations of the earth. After all the years of putting the Lord off KNOWING He’s calling me! And He still didn’t kill me in my sin! I’m forever grateful! There’s no way I’m turning back to my old lifestyle. God has been too good!!

Thank You Lord 🙌🏾

Which Way?

By: Oronde Bolden

In deep thought, thinking about racism. It all derives from sin, but it really amazes me how it’s pushed in the media to condition our minds that it’s a skin issue… you vs. me. This world is fallen and issues like these all come from sin being born into this world. Satan is truly evil! The media pushes negative stereotypes to show you this is what a black person is like, and this is what a white person is like, or this is what a cop is like. Now there are some who live up to these stereotypes unfortunately, but it makes me think… what if there was no media? Could I just walk up to a white male and say hello without thinking he’s racist towards me? Could a white male, randomly shake a black man’s hand without thinking he’s a criminal? Could the police officer genuinely pull the black man or woman over without abusing authority? I bring all this up because God truly is showing me that though He is almighty and powerful and has control over this world, Satan is the god of it for now according to 2 Corinthians 4:4 and he has a influence that only the Lord allows him to have for the time being. Satan is just one big liar! We were never meant to be influenced by the world! We were created for the King and for His glory! We were given the wisdom that we needed in the garden. Now we’re influenced and deceived by every which way of the world like Adam and Eve were influenced and deceived by Satan in the garden! Can’t you see that this is why we must be born again? Why we must renew our minds? Because the world’s thinking is not of God! The media pushes bias and terrible narratives and encourages you how to think, when in all reality what we really need is the mind of Christ and to see things how He sees it! The god of this world just keeps lying and lying and lying, but when we’re in Christ, the veil that once blinded us is now lifted up, and we can see what’s the truth! I’m praying that you take off the world’s thoughts, the world’s eyes, because broad is the way that leads to destruction and narrow is the path that few find, but it leads to eternal life. The Lord has made the way back home and that’s through Jesus Christ (John 14:6). This world has nothing to offer, but He’s offering eternal life, back to the Father.

What will you choose?


By: Oronde Bolden

God is so good! And He truly is a Father to His children and He really corrects us. If I’m being honest, I tried to get mad last weekend and the enemy was putting it in my mind to hold a grudge saying it’s “grudge worthy”. The Lord was like “now you know that’s not Me, and not who I made you to be.” So when this person came over to my house, I literally had no inner feelings of hate, anger or anything! It made me go in my room and have a one on one talk with the Father and thanked Him! My deepest hearts desire before anything else, is to truly look like Him in my everyday life. He’s so… words can’t even explain it bro/sis😭

Satan’s Jealousy

By: Oronde Bolden

Think about it you guys… In Genesis, God said “let US make man in OUR image.” Satan never had that power to do so, so to “destroy” God’s creation, he tried to make man in his image by getting them to sin and inherit his nature. This reason here is why we must be born again, because when we sinned, we became something that we were never meant to be🤔

The Beautiful Sovereignty Of The Lord

By: Oronde Bolden

I remember thinking when I first got saved “I need to do ministry, I want everyone to know Christ!” Now being four years in my walk with the Lord I understand and am glad that I didn’t jump right into ministry. The mission is still the same, I want everyone to know Jesus! I just know I had to go through things before even stepping out such as heartbreak, feeling used, being tested (trials), growing in the Lord, dying to strongholds and bondage, people threatening to hurt me face to face etc..
If I would’ve stepped out doing ministry when I first got saved, as a sheep amongst wolves, I would’ve gotten chewed up. I’m truly thankful that the Lord has refined me and kept me throughout all these years. I see now that He really honored my prayer before I came to Him. I told Him “when I do come to You, I don’t want to do my own thing anymore”, and every single day I see that my life literally is not my own anymore! God’s fully in control! Sometimes the flesh is frustrated saying “please let me get a little control!” But honestly, my Father being in control of my life is the best and safest place to be! I don’t need to be in control because without Him, my path leads to death, my righteousness is a filthy rag, my words are meaningless and empty etc.. without Jesus I am nothing🙏🏾

A Time Such As This

By: Oronde Bolden

This year!!! Man it has been something. There has been Covid, lockdown, lockdown slowly being lifted, protest/riots, and now a second lockdown coming! Lord no matter how it looks, I know I’ve been born in this time for a reason. Please continue to prepare Your true church for a time such as this! We love You and want to do what You tell us!

Esther 4:14- For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?”

Affirmation From God, Not Man Devotion

By: Oronde Bolden

Build your life on God’s Word and not man’s word. The word of God says in Hebrews 13:6 that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. What He says about you will come to pass! What He says about you will forever be said about you. Man may compliment, uplift, encourage you, but one thing about man is.. he changes. As soon as you tell man no or disagree with them or any other thing, you are now everything bad to them. Somewhat like an enemy depending on their maturity. But God brothers and sisters! But God! When He says you’re more than a conqueror, are you gunna settle for less than that and walk defeated? When He says you are pure, are you still gonna call yourself a dirty rotten sinner? When He says that I forgive/forgiven you, will you still bring up a passes that doesn’t exist anymore to Him? I say these things to let you know first that what He has said about you, you can stand on it for the rest of your life! Man can tell you you’re good, you’re nice until you tell them no, them all hell breaks loose. I want to keep encouraging you to stand on God’s Word for the rest of your life. Don’t look for acceptance in man when God has accepted you through His Son Jesus Christ. Be free in your mind🙏🏾

Who Rules In Your Heart? Devotion

By: Oronde Bolden

In 1 Samuel chapter 8, we see the people of God (Israelites) asking for a king to rule over them. This happened after Samuel makes his children judges and they didn’t walk according to the ways of their father. They took bribes and were dishonorable. The children of Israel wanted to be like other nations by having a king instead of letting Yahweh rule over them. God tells them through Samuel what their king was going to do when they rule over them. But with their hearts being hard, they still wanted their king. So God told Samuel to make someone king💔😭

Here’s a question.. who are you trying to have rule over your life instead of ABBA? He wants to rule over your life more than these false gods, mortal men, addictions etc.. if you’re His child, He wants that relationship with you and doesn’t want you to be like the world who’s looking for everything else to save them. Scripture says He is a jealous God! He’s not jealous like we can be jealous, but jealous as a wonderful and beautiful Creator who wants you and only you and for you to see that He wants to be your Father! Take heed and listen! Don’t turn to a president, a movement, people etc.. to save you, but turn to the Lord Jesus Christ today who wants to reign in your heart! God bless you all🙏🏾

The Holy Spirit Bible Study Notes

By: Oronde Bolden

Jesus predicts Peter’s denial (Luke 22:31-34)

Peter denies Jesus (Luke 22:54-62)

Jesus restores Peter (John 21:15-19)

1. What The Holy Spirit was teaching me is that, Peter’s denial of Jesus Christ cane before he became born again (Acts 2:1-4)

2. The disciples (still in the flesh) were in denial even though Jesus was with them eating after His death (Luke 24:36-43).

3. Jesus gives them understanding of everything that recently took place in the Scriptures (Luke 24:44-49)

The Holy Spirit (third Person of the Trinity) is the One who brings understanding, wisdom, no fear, direction, truth, faith, the fruits of the Spirit, and produces good works through us. Holy Spirit is our Helper, Teacher, and Guide. We need Him in everything that we do.

Scripture References Of The Holy Spirit👇🏾

John 3:1-21, John 14:15-18, John 14:25-31, John 16:5-15, Galatians 5:16-26, Galatians 2:20, Romans 8:12-17, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, 1 John 3:24-1 John 4:1-6, 1 John 2:26

Look At The Times We’re In

By: Oronde Bolden

Whether or not Covid-19 is as bad as the media is saying that it is, we still know that it is a real virus out here. Think about it! Your favorite bars have shut down, favorite clubs, sports, churches, restaurants, jobs etc.. You’re thinking “what to do now?” I encourage you to seek the Lord with ALL of your heart! Now is the time to do so and receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Everything that shut down is something that you depended on to keep you entertained, financially secured, full of appetite, keep you in fornication etc.. and now your wondering now what! There’s a Creator who has made us for relationship with Him through His Son Jesus Christ! There’s no NBA player, drink from a bar/club, sex from anyone, food on that plate that will satisfy your void. You’re going to always go back to more and more unsatisfactory. Once you get filled by Jesus, you’re filled and satisfied. There’s nothing like it! So I ask you, what are you waiting for? You planned great things this year, but now they’re on halt because of this virus and you may NEVER do what you planned to do. Can’t you see that you have no control over this? Give your life to the One who controls everything including your every breath that you take. He died for you and doesn’t want you to go through this life anymore without! Today is the day of salvation! He loves you❤️

Scripture references👇🏾

James 4:14

2 Corinthians 6:2

Matthew 11:28-30

2 Peter 3:9

Exodus 20:3

Jeremiah 29:13

John 3:16

A Future Father’s Heart

By: Oronde Bolden

To My Little Prince👇🏾

I can’t wait to hold you in my arms! I can’t wait to see you grow. I can’t wait for you to start understanding so that me and your mother can instill Christ Jesus in you at a young age! I can’t wait to tell you how precious you are to Him, and how much He loves you! I can’t wait to speak life into you, and tell you that no matter what people say, The Father says something totally different about you. I can’t wait to raise my little man!

To My Little Princess👇🏾

I can’t wait until you’re born. I can’t wait to hold you and say “look at my little baby!” I can’t wait to see you start growing. I can’t wait to tell you your worth. I can’t wait for you to sit on my knee, and tell me what’s on your mind, and how you feel with your curious questions. I can’t wait to reflect what a true man of God is in front of you so that you won’t settle for anything less. I can’t wait to raise my beautiful daughter!

To You Both👇🏾

I can’t wait to raise you both up in the Lord. To my little prince, I want to show you how to provide for your family in the future and how to do things as a man so that you won’t have to keep depending on others to do things for you. You’re going to mean so much to this world. It may not make sense in the beginning to you. But I pray that every word that’s of God from me plants a deep seed in your heart so that when you grow older, you will remember what your earthly father has spoken to you.

To my little princess, I know that I’m going to need help from God and from your mother. I know how boys/men can be which would make me want to be overprotective when it comes to you, because if anyone hurts you it would make me want to get them. But I will always encourage you to be wise in your decision making. Not just with men, but with everything. Discern what’s for you and what’s not for you.

Now to you both.. I will be there for you. I’ll discipline you because of my love for you. It’ll never be to discourage or hurt you, but to guide you to the right path. Jesus loves and died for you both and I truly want to be that example to you. I want you to get to know Him for yourselves! There’s truly nothing like Jesus. You can always talk to Him. If I’m tripping you can let Him know, or if you have concerns tell Him. Be honest and upfront with Him! He’s listening to you. Trust and believe that He’s there. If I’m acting up, He’s not! If mom is acting up, He’s not. Trust in Him. He has you through it all. I love you both and I can’t wait to raise my future king(s) and queen(s).

Scripture Reference👇🏾

Proverbs 22:6

Colossians 3:21

Matthew 18:1-9

You’ve Been A Queen

By: Oronde Bolden

There are some of you who never had the father figure to show you what to look for in a man. Then there’s some of you who had a male figure in your life, but it’s almost like they were never there while you were growing up. Then there’s some who have had the example of what it’s like to be loved and what to look for in a man. He may not have been perfect, but he did his best. May you all be blessed by it.

Over time, you’ve been in relationships with guys who never really knew who they were. You didn’t know that their insecurities played a big part in their lives. That part in their lives that was not dealt with played a part in how they treated you. Some of you went from guy to guy to seek confidence, perfect love, self worth, peace and joy. Only to find out that this imperfect person couldn’t love you perfectly. You’ve been a wife, you’ve been a queen to someone who didn’t respect your worth. You’ve given him things that only a wife could give to her husband. But the problem was that he wasn’t your husband. Don’t you know your worth? If you did, you wouldn’t settle for just anyone. You are worth more than you are settling for. Jesus seen you and said “I loved her enough that I died for her.” He’s seen your flaws, and still loved you. He wants to keep you covered and protected from men who have no good intentions. Question is, will you receive that protection or will you step out of it because a “man” looks nice or is saying sweet things to you? You were made for the Father. This world tells you through social media, television, music and magazines that “this is how you should love”, “this is how you should look”, “this is how you should dance”, “this, this, this” and none of it is what Father God has purposed you for. I’m praying that you see this and respect yourself more. Realize who Jesus is and you’ll see who you are in Him. Don’t settle for less, don’t give into temptation, stay pure, humble and wait for the king that the King has purposed you for. Understand that you’ve been a queen, and the Lord is that Door🙏🏾

Scripture Reference 👇🏾

Proverbs 31:10-31

Book of Ruth

1 Peter 3:1-6

Ephesians 5:22-33

The Beauty In Rejection Story

By: Oronde Bolden

Being rejected really has taught me some great things. It has helped me learn painful, but meaningful lessons. I remember when I was 18, I walked a hour to Waffle House to fill out a job application. After filling out the application, I had an interview on the spot. When I would walk, I would always have these big Sony headphones on me to listen to my music. Not knowing I’d have the interview that very same day, I kept my headphones around my neck. The interview went well and the hiring manager told me they’ll call me back if they want to hire me or not. I walked another hour back home, and that was that. About a week and a half later, I received news about the interview. The manager and my neighbor worked together so she told my neighbor. My neighbor said my manager said “he’s a very respectful young man, goofy, but no one who comes to an interview with a big a** headphones is serious about a job.” Hearing that really broke my heart. I was more hurt from the fact that she didn’t tell me straight up on the interview, rather than hearing it from my neighbor. That really started my depression cycle, and it was on and off for 6 years. I hated being rejected. It would make me more bitter, and angry, and heartless. It’s funny because now walking with the Lord, the rejection makes so much more sense to me. In my early stages of my walk with Christ, I would want to shut people out who came in my life for a week or so and leave. My heart couldn’t take it. Women would come saying they want to know the Lord, just to get with me and for me to be their rebound guy. I was discipling someone who wanted to fight me and gave me problems everytime I tried to ask what did you get from the scriptures etc.. I been through alot in my 4 years walking with Christ. But 2018 changed everything for the better! I got to know more of who God is and why His Son came to be sin for us so that we may live! I realized His grace and wonderful mercy He has given us. So seeing and knowing all of that made me want to continue for the rest of my days to be more and more like Him. Whether it’s holding the door door someone, giving godly counsel, praying for someone, encouraging them, showing grace and mercy when wrong is done unto me, and just loving no matter what! I now know that I’ll be rejected because Jesus was rejected! He said that no servant is greater than his Master. He was misunderstood, so I’ll be misunderstood, people used Him after He healed 10 people and only 1 person came back to give Him praise. Many disciples left Him after He stated groundbreaking truth etc.. so things will happen because we love Jesus! The peace of God has really overtaken me and it’s beautiful. God is so amazing. My past rejection was meant to happen so that I could be who I am today because of Christ Jesus! It’s nothing like it!

I pray that you’re encouraged and blessed by this post in Jesus name! Amen, love you guys🙏🏾

Scripture Reference 👇🏾

John 13:16

Ephesians 5:1-4

Luke 17:11-19

Philippians 4:4-9

In Our Doubt, He Is Faithful Devotion

By: Oronde Bolden

So I’ve been really into faith lately. God has been really showing me about faith, and how important it is to walk by faith and not by what I see. Many things seem so impossible when we look at the surface of things, which can lead to doubtful thoughts. You can lose your job, car, house, spouse, friends, money, or anything that really had some type of value to you. Sometimes those things causes us to lose the little hope and faith we once carried deeply with us. But I bring that up to say this. In 2 Timothy 2:13 Paul says “if we are FAITHLESS, He REMAINS FAITHFUL. He CANNOT deny Himself.” So meditate on that for a minute. When all is falling apart or things just look impossible to fix, to bring together, or to even happen, keep in Mary in mind. The angel told Mary that she has found favor with the Lord and told her that she will have a Son (Jesus Christ). Mary told the angel that she never has never known a man (meaning she’s a virgin at this time of this event). The angel then told her in Luke 1:37 “For with God nothing will be impossible.” Read that again out loud. “For with God nothing will be impossible.” So God promise Mary that she was going to have a Son, though she never had relations with anyone! We see in the same chapter, that Elizabeth who was barren (incapable of producing offspring, unfruitful) was promised a Son by God as well. Elizabeth’s son became John the Baptist. So you see, the impossible to them was possible through Him! When His word goes out, trust and believe it will come to pass, because it has back then and it will today (Isaiah 55:10-11). In the meantime, let’s walk by faith. It may look impossible, but keep in your heart that with God, anything is possible! Do you believe God?

Scripture References

2 Timothy 2:13

Isaiah 55:10-11

Luke 1

2 Corinthians 5:7

Christ’s Submission Devotion

By: Oronde Bolden

Check out the definition of submit (submission)-

  1. to give over or yield to the power or authority of another (often used reflexively).
  2. to subject to some kind of treatment or influence.

We make such a big deal about “submission” when submission is really the character of Christ. He laid down His life for us! In Ephesians 5:25 scripture says “husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her.” Also in verse 22, Paul says “wives submit to your own husbands, AS TO THE LORD.”
So think about that.. submission is a great thing to do! This whole chapter talks about the character of Jesus Christ and encourages us to be imitators of Him. So our submission to one another is just another form of selfless living just as Christ. My bible’s footnotes says this, “submission is a person’s yielding his or her own rights and losing SELF FOR ANOTHER.” This whole thing explains how Christ was when He was physically here in the flesh. He submitted first and foremost to the Father and then He submitted to us. Most of the time, submission is looked at as a negative word meaning for someone to have control over you, when in all actuality that is not the case. Christ submitted Himself to us by being selfless and laying down His life to bring us back to the Father. The true definition of selflessness! Why wouldn’t we want to pattern our lives after His example?

Scripture Reference(s)
Ephesians 5

Seek God Psalm 25 Devotion

By: Oronde Bolden

Psalm 25:14- The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, And He will show them His covenant.

The beauty of this chapter of Psalm’s is that over and over David talks about the one who fears the Lord. Many verses before this he says to the Lord “show me Your ways”, “Teach me Your paths”, “Lead me in Your truth” etc.. and it’s like he realize, in this secret place of worship to the Lord he realizes “the Lord will show His covenant (deeper things) to those who really yearn for Him.” Makes me think about Matthew 7:7-8

“Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
8. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.